Walpack Township
9 Main Street
Walpack Center, NJ 07881
Fax: (908) 841-9513
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Walpack Township Committee Meeting Minutes:

March 25, 2008

The meeting of the Walpack Township Committee was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Fuller who stated this meeting was being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act having been duly advertised.

Present were:  Committeeman Maglio, Committeeman Heigis, and Mayor Fuller

The clerk read the minutes of the February 26, 2008 meeting.  Committeeman Maglio made a motion to approve the minutes seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried.

The 2008 budget was introduced for second reading by Mayor Fuller.  Mayor Fuller made a motion to open the floor to the public seconded by Committeeman Maglio.  There being no comment from the public, Mayor Fuller made a motion to close the meeting to the floor seconded by Committeeman Maglio.  The Chief Finance Officer read the statement of resolution to adopt the budget.  Mayor Fuller made a motion to adopt the budget seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried.  A roll call vote followed:  Ayes:  Heigis, Maglio, Fuller  Nays: 0  Abstain: 0  Absent: 0

Committeeman Heigis made a motion to approve the vouchers for payment seconded by Committeeman Maglio and unanimously carried.  The following bills were approved for payment:  

14546 void  
14547 Terry Beshada  Tax Collector     $575.27  
14548 Betsy Cuneo Municipal Clerk 1,002.81
14549 John Dyksen Assessor   638.80
14550 Raymond Fuller  Mayor  888.94
14551 Virgina Fuller  Deputy Clerk  296.31
14552 James Heigis Committeeman 642.63
14553  Municipal Software  Collector/Finance 100.00
14554 KRHS   Taxes 989.45
14555 Suburban Propane  Fuel Oil     418.89
14556 Laddey Clark & Ryan  Legal  333.33
14557 JCP&L         Electric    3.35
14558 Embarq  Telephone  23.16
14559 Embarq  Telephone  1.10
14560 NJ Herald  Advertising  17.65
14561 Michelle LaStarza  Finance  1,718.56
14562 Victor Maglio  Committeeman  639.19

R-11-08 a resolution for bills for the 2007 year presented for payment not received at the time of transfers between the 2007 budget appropriations was read by Mayor Fuller.  Mayor Fuller made a motion to approve the resolution seconded by Committeeman Maglio and unanimously carried.

Mayor Fuller made a motion to approve the purchase of a fax phone answering machine up to $200.  The motion was seconded by Committeeman Maglio and unanimously carried. 

The committee reviewed the correspondence.

There being no one in attendance and no further business to discuss, Committeeman Maglio made a motion to adjourn seconded by Committeeman Heigis.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy M. Cuneo

Municipal Clerk

