Walpack Township
9 Main Street
Walpack Center, NJ 07881
Fax: (908) 841-9513
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Walpack Township Committee Meeting Minutes:

March 30, 2010

The meeting of the Walpack Township Committee was called to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor Fuller who stated this meeting was being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act having been duly advertised.

Present were: Committeeman Maglio, Committeeman Heigis, and Mayor Fuller

Also in attendance: Michelle LaStarza, Virginia Fuller

Committeeman Heigis made a motion to approve the January 2010 minutes seconded by Committeeman Maglio and unanimously carried.

Committeeman Maglio made a motion to approve the vouchers for payment seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried. The following bills were approved for payment:

02/10/10 1037 County Purpose Tax Payable Sussex County Treasurer 2,397.57
02/10/10 1038 County Health Tax Payable Sussex County Treasurer 68.09
02/10/10 1039 County Library Tax Payable Sussex County Treasurer 193.34 
02/10/10 1040    County Open Space Tax Payable Sussex County Treasurer 94.39 
02/23/10   1041 VOID 
02/23/10 1042 VOID
02/23/10 1043 VOID
02/23/10 1044 VOID
02/23/10 1045 VOID
02/23/10 1046 VOID
02/23/10 1047 VOID
02/23/10 1048 VOID
02/23/10 1049 Terry Beshada 574.66 
02/23/10 1050 Betsy Cuneo 1,001.69
02/23/10 1051 John Dyksen 638.80
02/23/10 1052 Ray Fuller 888.94
02/23/10 1053 Virginia Fuller 296.31 
02/23/10 1054 James Heigis 642.63
02/23/10 1055 Michelle LaStarza  2,100.00
02/23/10 1056 Victor Maglio 638.51
02/26/10 1057 Blairstown Rescue Squad  3,000.00 
02/26/10 1058 Suburban Propane 785.23
02/26/10 1059 Century Link 55.72 
02/26/10 1060  Century Link  100.30 
02/26/10  1061 Century Link  3.32
02/26/10 1062  Sprint 29.39 
02/26/10 1063  JCP&L  3.25
02/26/10 1064 Laddey Clark & Ryan 666.70 
02/26/10 1065 Municipal Software 200.00
02/26/10 1066 Wantage Township 48.48

An ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap was read by Mayor Fuller. Mayor Fuller made a motion to approve the ordinance seconded by Committeeman Maglio and unanimously carried. The ordinance will be advertised and have a public hearing at the next monthly meeting to be held April 27, 2010.


WHEREAS, the Local Government Cap Law, N.J.S. 40A: 4-45.1 et seq., provides that in the preparation of its annual budget, a municipality shall limit any increase in said budget to 0% unless authorized by ordinance to increase it to 3.5% over the previous year’s final appropriations, subject to certain exceptions; and,

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A: 4-45.15a provides that a municipality may, when authorized by ordinance, appropriate the difference between the amount of its actual final appropriation and the 3.5% percentage rate as an exception to its final appropriations in either of the next two succeeding years; and,

WHEREAS, the Committee of the Township of Walpack in the County of Sussex finds it advisable and necessary to increase its CY 2010 budget by up to 3.5% over the previous year’s final appropriations, in the interest of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the citizens; and,

WHEREAS, the Committee of the Township of Walpack hereby determines that any amount authorized hereinabove that is not appropriated as part of the final budget shall be retained as an exception to final appropriation in either of the next two succeeding years.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Committee of the Township of Walpack, in the County of Sussex, a majority of the full authorized membership of this governing body affirmatively concurring, that, in the CY 2010 budget year, the final appropriations of the Township of Walpack shall, in accordance with this ordinance and N.J.S.A. 40A: 4-45.14, be increased by 3.5%, amounting to $2,859, and that the CY 2010 municipal budget for the Township of Walpack be approved and adopted in accordance with this ordinance; and,

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that any that any amount authorized hereinabove that is not appropriated as part of the final budget shall be retained as an exception to final appropriation in either of the next two succeeding years; and,

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that a certified copy of this ordinance as introduced be filed with the Director of the Division of Local Government Services within 5 days of introduction; and,

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that a certified copy of this ordinance upon adoption, with the recorded vote included thereon, be filed with said Director within 5 days after such adoption.

CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of an ordinance introduced by the Mayor and Committee of the Township Of Walpack, New Jersey, at a meeting held on March 30, 2010.

Betsy Cuneo, Municipal Clerk

Chief Finance Officer Michelle LaStarza explained the budget. Due to a reduction in state aid, there is a $2,290 reduction in the Energy Receipts Tax Program. Mayor Fuller made a motion to approve the introduction of the budget seconded by Committeeman Maglio and unanimously carried. A roll call vote followed: Ayes: Heigis, Maglio, Fuller Nays: 0 Abstain: 0 Absent: 0 The budget will be advertised and have a public hearing on April 27, 2010.

A resolution for Budget Self Examination was read by Mayor Fuller. Committeeman Maglio made a motion to approve the resolution seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried.


WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A-4-78b has authorized the Local Finance Board to adopt rules that permit municipalities in sound fiscal condition to assume the responsibility, normally granted to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services, of conducting the annual budget examination, and

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:30-7 was adopted by the Local Finance Board on February 11, 1997, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:30-7.2 through 7.5 the Township of Walpack has been declared eligible to participate in the program by the Division of Local Government Services, and the Chief Financial Officer has determined that the local government meets the necessary conditions to participate in the program for the 2010 budget year, so now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, by the governing body of the Township of Walpack that in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:30-7.6a & b and based upon the Chief Financial Officer's certification, the governing body has found the budget has met the following requirements:

That with reference to the following items, the amounts have been calculated pursuant to law and appropriated as such in the budget:

Payment of interest and debt redemption charges deferred charges and statutory expenditures cash deficit of preceding year reserve for uncollected taxes other reserves and non-disbursement items any inclusions of amounts required for school purposes

That the provisions relating to limitation on increases of appropriations pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A4-45.2 and appropriations for exceptions to limits on appropriations found at 40A:4-45.3 et seq. are fully met (Complies with the "CAP" law)

That the budget is in such form, arrangement, and content as required by the Local Budget Law and N.J.A.C. 5:30-4 and 5:30-5.

That pursuant to the Local Budget Law:

All estimates of revenue are reasonable, accurate, and correctly stated, items of appropriation are properly set forth in itemization, form, arrangement, and content the budget will permit the exercise of the comptroller function within the municipality.

The budget and associated amendments have been introduced and publicly advertised in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Local Budget
Law, except that failure to meet the deadlines of N.J.S.A. 40A:4-5 shall not prevent such certification.That all other applicable statutory requirements have been fulfilled.

The committee reviewed the correspondence.

There being no one in attendance and no further business to discuss, Committeeman Maglio made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Committeeman Heigis. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy M. Cuneo
Municipal Clerk 

