Walpack Township
9 Main Street
Walpack Center, NJ 07881
Fax: (908) 841-9513
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Walpack Township Committee Meeting Minutes:

June 29, 2010

The meeting of the Walpack Township Committee was called to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor Fuller who stated this meeting was being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act having been duly advertised.

Present were: Committeeman Maglio, Committeeman Heigis, and Mayor Fuller

Also in attendance: Michelle LaStarza, Virginia Fuller

Committeeman Maglio made a motion to approve the May 25, 2010 Minutes seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried.

Committeeman Maglio made a motion to approve the vouchers for payment seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried. The following bills were approved for payment:

Report Printed 2010-06-30 09:19:12 Walpack Township 

List of Bills - (0110101001001) Cash Checking Sussex Bank 

Current Fund 

Check # 2100 to 2117 -Void -Printer Error 

Check # 

Payment Description Amount


Beshada, Terry  Collection of Taxes S&W  574.66 


Century Link  973-948-6861   65.15
2120 County Of Sussex  Voting Machine June Primary   78.11
2121 Cuneo, Betsy  Clerk  1,001.69 
2122 Dyksen, John   Assessor S&W  638.80
2123 Fuller, Raymond  Mayor / Committee S&W   888.94
2124 Fuller, Virginia  Clerk S&W  296.31 
2125 Heigis, James  Mayor / Committee S&W  642.63 
2126 JCP&L  10 00 66 1895 1 3 Fire Dept.  3.15 
2127 LaStarza, M  Financial Administration S&W  2,103.63 
2128 Laddey Clark & Ryan  2010 Retainer  666.66 
2129 MGL  Computer Checks  174.00 
2130 Maglio, Victor  Mayor / Committee S&W  638.51
2131 Municipal Software, Inc.  2010 Computer Services  200.00 
2132 Sprint  Long Distance 2010 Acct 408921676  8.19 
2133 The Printing Center  June Primary Ballots  167.00 
2134 Town Of Newton  2010 911 Services  946.50 
TOTAL 9,093.93

The committee reviewed the correspondence.

There being no one in attendance and no further business to discuss, Committeeman Maglio made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Committeeman Heigis. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,  


Betsy M. Cuneo
Municipal Clerk

