Walpack Township
9 Main Street
Walpack Center, NJ 07881
Phone and Fax: 973-948-6861
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Direct Mail to: 16 Old Mine Road, Walpack NJ 07881

Walpack Township Committee Meeting Minutes:

May 27, 2014

Mayor Maglio called the meeting of the Walpack Township Committee to order at 7 p.m. stating this meeting was being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act having been duly advertised.

Present:  Committeeman Heigis, Committeewoman Wycalek, and Mayor Maglio

Also in attendance:  Michelle LaStarza

Committeeman Heigis made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting from April 29, 2014 seconded by Committeewoman Wycalek and unanimously carried.

Michelle LaStarza presented the treasurer’s report and bills list for approval.  Committeewoman Wycalek made a motion to approve seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried.  The following bills were approved for payment:

Check Register - (0110101001000) Cash Checking - Sussex Bank










4/7/2014 2525 14

State of New Jersey 

4/7/2014 2526 10 United States Treasury 92.06
5/09/2014 2527 3 Century Link 31.87
5/09/2014 2528 3 Century Link 67.48
5/09/2014 2529 5 County Treasurer, Health Tax 67.48
5/09/2014 2530 6 County Treasurer, Library Tax 274.83
5/09/2014 2531 7 County Treasurer, Open Space Tax 20.68
5/09/2014 2532 4 County Treasurer, Purpose Tax 4,107.15
5/09/2014 2533 16 JCP&L 38.11
5/09/2014 2534 1 New Jersey Herald 39.90
5/27/2014 2535 42 Beshada, Terry 574.59
5/27/2014 2536 43 Cuneo, Betsy 1,001.56
5/27/2014 2537 46 Heigis, James 640.94
5/27/2014 2538 83 Kaman, Maureen E. 621.00
5/27/2014 2539 47 LaStarza, M 1,558.13
5/27/2014 2540 48 Maglio, Victor 872.53
5/27/2014 2541 84 Maria E. Maglio 319.22
5/27/2014 2542 23 Sandyston-Walpack Cons. School 10,699.00
5/27/2014 2543 93 Wycalek, Janina A. 630.94


Jackie Espinoza, Representative of Jersey Central Power & Light, introduced herself to the committee.  She explained the normal process of storm restoration, distributed contact information, and answered questions.  The committee thanked her for the information.

Due to recent circumstances, Attorney Michael Garafalo, is no longer with Weiner Lesniak.  In order to keep continuity, Mayor Maglio read the following resolution.  Committeewoman Wycalek made a motion to approve the resolution seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried.







WHEREAS, the Township of Walpack entered into an agreement for professional legal services on April 29, 2014 between the Township of Walpack, a municipal corporation (hereinafter “Township”), and Michael S. Garofalo, Esq. of the law firm Weiner Lesniak LLP (hereinafter referred to as “Attorney”); and

WHEREAS, Michael S. Garofalo, Esq. is no longer employed by the law firm of Weiner Lesniak LLP; and

WHEREAS, the April 29, 2014 Agreement provides for the use of substitute counsel.

WHEREAS, the Township of Walpack determines that the above-mentioned legal services can be performed adequately and effectively by Glenn C. Kienz, Esq. of the law firm of Weiner Lesniak LLP; and

WHEREAS, the Township of Walpack determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the Township to maintain the continuity of qualified legal representation by continuing to have legal services provided by Weiner Lesniak LLP in the person of Glenn C. Kienz, Esq.; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Walpack, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, as follows:

1.         The Township Council does hereby permit the substitution of Glenn C. Kienz, Esq. of the law firm Weiner Lesniak in place of Michael S. Garofalo, Esq., formerly of the law firm Weiner Lesniak LLP, as Township Attorney. 

2.         All terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement dated April 29, 2014 between the Township of Walpack and Michael S. Garofalo, Esq., formerly of the law firm Weiner Lesniak LLP, shall remain in full force and effect throughout the balance of the contract period ending December 31, 2014, with Glenn C. Kienz, Esq. of the law firm Weiner Lesniak LLP being substituted in place of Michael S. Garofalo, Esq. as Township Attorney. 

3.         A copy of the Resolution will be published in the official newspaper of the Township within ten (10) days of passage as required by law. 


                                        Betsy Cuneo, RMC


Mayor Maglio read the following resolution.  Mayor Maglio made a motion to approve the resolution seconded by Committeewoman Wycalek. 

A roll call vote followed:  Ayes: Maglio, Wycalek Nays: 0  Absent: 0  Abstain: Heigis





WHEREAS, James Heigis, a member of the Corporation, Walpack Inn Inc. is a member of the Walpack Township Committee, the issuing authority, the renewal for the year commencing July 1, 2014 must be filed with the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, (N.J.A.C. 13:2-4)

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township Committee of the Township of Walpack, that there is no objection to the issuance of Plenary Retail Consumption License No. 1923-33-003-003 applied for by Walpack Inn Inc. Route 615 Walpack, New Jersey, by the Director, as they are not aware of any circumstance or provision of Law or Local Ordinance which would prohibit the issuance of said license.



I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted by the Walpack Township Committee, held on May 27, 2014. 

Betsy M. Cuneo, Municipal Clerk


The committee reviewed the correspondence.

There being no one in attendance and no further business to discuss, Committeeman Heigis made a motion to adjourn seconded by Committeewoman Wycalek.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy M. Cuneo
Municipal Clerk

