Walpack Township
9 Main Street
Walpack Center, NJ 07881
Phone and Fax: 973-948-6861
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Direct Mail to: 16 Old Mine Road, Walpack NJ 07881

Walpack Township Committee Meeting Minutes:

June 30, 2015

Mayor Maglio called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. stating this meeting is being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act having been duly advertised.

Present: Mayor Maglio, Committeeman Heigis, Committeewoman Wycalek

Also in attendance: Michelle LaStarza

Committeewoman Wycalek made a motion to approve the May 30, 2015 Minutes seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried.

Michelle LaStarza presented the bills list for payment. Committeeman Heigis made a motion to approve the vouchers for payment seconded by Committeewoman Wycalek and unanimously carried. The following bills were approved for payment:

Check Register - (0110101001000) Cash Checking - Sussex Bank:




Check # 

Paid to


Void Amount Void Date Reason
6/26/2015 2671 12 Kittatinny Regional High School 23,467.00  


6/26/2015 2672 23 Sandyston-Walpack Cons. School 14,643.00      
6/30/2015 2673 3 Century Link 68.29      
6/30/2015 2674 3 Century Link 67.80      
6/30/2015 2675 91 County of Sussex 60.86      
6/30/2015 2676 16 JCP&L 10.77      
6/30/2015 2677 50 Sussex County Clerk 70.69      
6/30/2015 2678 49 The Printing Center 143.58      
6/30/2015 2679 105 Viking Pest Control 48.00      
6/30/2015 2680 37 Wantage Township 18.12      


Michelle LaStarza prepared an analysis of surplus funds for the committee to review. A decrease in State Aid and tax collection percentage has led to a fund balance deficit. The committee requested additional surplus figures for the next meeting. Mayor Maglio thanked Michelle for all of her efforts.

Mayor Maglio informed the committee of updating the Right to Know reports that must be filed electronically and annually by June 30, 2015. Walpack is in compliance. Mayor Maglio stated he will schedule a meeting with the county to discuss our Office of Emergency Management Coordinator position.

The committee discussed and reviewed a letter written by Mayor Maglio regarding the tuition formula used by Kittatinny Regional High School. The letter will be sent to Kittatinny Regional High School, Sussex County Board of Education, and the New Jersey State Board of Education.

Michelle LaStarza presented the committee the 2014 Audit. The committee signed the Group Affidavit. A Corrective Action Plan will be prepared for the next meeting.
Mayor Maglio read the following:


WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:5-4 requires the governing body of every local unit to have made an annual audit of its books, accounts and financial transactions, and

WHEREAS, The Annual; Report of Audit for the year 2014 has been filed by a Registered Municipal Accountant with the Municipal Clerk as per the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40A:5-6, and a copy has been received by each member of the governing body, and

WHEREAS, the Local Finance Board of the State of New Jersey is authorized to prescribe reports pertaining to local fiscal affairs, as per R.S. 52:27BB-34, and

WHEREAS, The Local Finance Board has promulgated a regulation requiring that the governing body of each municipality shall by resolution certify to the Local Finance Board of the State of
New Jersey that all members of the governing body have reviewed, as a minimum, the sections of the annual audit entitled:

General Comments


WHEREAS, the members of the governing body have personally reviewed as a minimum the Annual Report of Audit, and specifically the sections of the Annual Audit entitled:

General Comments

as evidenced by the group affidavit form of the governing body, and

WHEREAS, Such resolution of certification shall be adopted by the Governing Body no later than forty-five days after the receipt of the annual audit, as per the regulations of the Local Finance Board, and

WHEREAS, All members of the governing body have received and have familiarized themselves with, at least, the minimum requirements of the Local Finance Board of the State of New Jersey, as stated aforesaid and have subscribed to the affidavit, as provided by the Local Finance Board, and

WHEREAS, Failure to comply with the promulgations of the Local Finance Board of the State of New Jersey may subject the members of the local governing body to the penalty provisions of R.S. 52:27BB-52 to wit:

R.S. 52:27BB-52, “A local officer or member of a local governing body who, after a date fixed for compliance fails or refuses to obey an order of the director (Director of Local Government Services), under the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, may be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both, in addition shall forfeit his office”.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Walpack, hereby states that it has complied with the promulgation of Local Finance Board of the State of New Jersey dated July 30, 1968 and does hereby submit a certified copy of this resolution and the required affidavit to said Board to show evidence of said compliance.


CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Walpack, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, at a meeting held on June 30, 2015.

Betsy Cuneo, Municipal Clerk

Mayor Maglio made a motion to approve the resolution seconded by Committeeman Heigis and unanimously carried. The audit will be posted to the township website and advertised in the New Jersey Herald.

Mayor Maglio read the following:



WHEREAS, James Heigis, a member of the Corporation, Walpack Inn Inc. is a member of the Walpack Township Committee, the issuing authority, the renewal for the year commencing July 1, 2015 must be filed with the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, (N.J.A.C. 13:2-4)

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township Committee of the Township of Walpack, that there is no objection to the issuance of Plenary Retail Consumption License No. 1923-33-003-003 applied for by Walpack Inn Inc. Route 615 Walpack, New Jersey, by the Director, as they are not aware of any circumstance or provision of Law or Local Ordinance which would prohibit the issuance of said license.


I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted by the Walpack Township Committee, held on June 30, 2015.

Betsy M. Cuneo, Municipal Clerk

Committeewoman Wycalek made a motion to approve the resolution seconded by Mayor Maglio. A roll call vote followed: Ayes: Maglio, Wycalek Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstain: Heigis

The committee reviewed the minor subdivision of the application sent by the Sussex County Planning Department. A roll call vote followed: Ayes: Maglio, Wycalek Nays: 0 Abstain: Heigis Absent:


The committee reviewed the correspondence.

There being no further business to discuss and no one in attendance Committeewoman Wycalek made a motion to adjourn seconded by Committeeman Heigis. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy M. Cuneo
Municipal Clerk

